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Author Page

The Power of Bailey, Bach and Verbeia Essences For Animals

Arthur Bailey had a very inquiring mind and had developed the Bailey Flower Essences over several years. He wrote a number of books and it was his book on dowsing that caught Caroline's eye. She read the book over 6 years ago and had a complete fascination with Arthur. She loved the way he questioned everything and how he needed to find out about how things worked. Every now and then he would pop into her mind until around 5 years ago she had this strong urge to write a book, on how his essences can help animals. Once she had plucked up enough courage she approached the Bailey Essences and thankfully they said yes. Arthur also made his own range of Bach Flowers and Jenny Howarth from Yorkshire Essences created the Verbeia Essences, which were made on the moors of Ilkley.

This book took over four years to write as Caroline wanted to gain as much evidence as possible. She has been able to help many animals along the way with the Essences. She has documented some extraordinary animal cases who have been cruelly abused. Where even Caroline thought it impossible that they would regain a normal healthy outlook again. In these cases the Bailey, Bach and Verbeia Essences were able to shine a bright light onto the deepest darkest thoughts and offer a hand of encouragement when everything seemed hopeless.

Crystal Healing 4 Cats

This book is the first in a collection of books to show owners how to use crystals with their cats. Caroline chooses to be animal specific, as it is often easier to learn when the photographs and instructions make it easier to learn.

This book has been written for those owners who want to use crystals with their cat but just do not know where to start. They may have looked at other books and it just looked too complicated. Caroline has taken the myth out of crystal therapy and made it easy and simple for you to understand. She takes you through a step by step guide, so that by the end of the book you are competent in using crystals with your cat. Crystals are 100% safe when used correctly with your cat, always seek out vet advice in the first instance if your cat is unwell.

Crystal Healing 4 Dogs

This book has been written for those owners who want to use crystals with their dog but just do not know where to start. They may have looked at other books and it just looked too complicated. Caroline has taken the myth out of crystal therapy and made it easy and simple for you to understand. She takes you through a step by step guide, so that by the end of the book you are competent in using crystals with your dog. Crystals are 100% safe when used correctly with your dog, always seek out vet advice in the first instance if your dog is unwell.

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